Pre and post natal yoga is so good for you!

Pre and post natal yoga is so good for you!

Meet Naomi Cole of Yen Yoga! I recently met with Naomi at Yen Yoga because I loved the description of her pre and post natal classes and we at BBL LOVE our prego’s and mama’s. Healthy mom’s grow healthy babies and healthy mom’s nurture healthy...

Parasites in You!

Dr. Oz from Oprah’s show says that 90% of Americans have parasites. On this point we at the Big Beautiful Life agree with Dr. Oz. There are a number of other respected leaders in medicine who have said the most undiagnosed condition in America are parasites. There are...

4 Natural Remedies for Fungal Skin Conditions

Your skin is the most visible indicator of your health. For this reason, I find that many of my patients put skin ailments at the top of their list of concerns. Not only are skin rashes often uncomfortable and annoying, but they can also vastly affect your appearance...

What kind of stress do you have?

What kind of stress and fatigue do you have? There are four types. These are all poorly diagnosed and poorly treated in conventional medicine. Holistic doctors and practitioners like us have a greater handle on these problems. Cerebellum Stress and Fatigue Symptoms:...