
The heart eats first! This means that nutrition fed to the body is used by the heart first. The heart can show nutritional need long before symptoms will manifest in other organs. Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in the world. Many cardiovascular conditions stem from nutritional deficiencies and poor life-style decisions. Unfortunately, most conventional approaches merely suppress symptoms while allowing underlying casual factors to worsen. Get your heart checked! and learn how to increase your quality of life and support the physiological process of the human body.

The Simple Solution Starts with the Most Important Muscle in the Body – the HEART!

This Heart Sound Recorder targets exactly what the person needs and actually graphs the results! This is a computer-based, low risk, general wellness device that displays, records, and graphs heart sounds.  This 20-minute testing will take place at Big Beautiful Life Chiropractic & Wellness in Traverse City, February 11th 2020 for Heart Health month.

The body’s response to certain stressors, i.e. chemical, nutritional and emotional, can be observed in the rate, rhythm and tone of the heart using this advanced technology. Comparison graphs can then help to determine the effectiveness of actions taken to improve the quality of life. Each participant will receive an individualized heart graph with nutritional recommendations based on the findings.

RSVP HERE! for your Heart Sound Recorder testing as appointments are limited to the first 20 people.