
Ready to make a positive change?! All too often we wait for the pain of something we DON’T want to become so big that it becomes the catalyst for change. If this is you or if you are being proactive, then the 21-day Purification Program is exactly what you need.

Here’s why: EVERYONE NEEDS TO CLEAN THEIR LIVER/COLON 1X/YEAR! in order to not only feel better but to avoid cancer. 41% of cancers for women are estrogen driven and guess what converts the “bad” estrogen to the “good” estrogen? Your LIVER. Your liver is a big filter and just like all filters that are used on a daily basis they get dirty and gunked up. We live in a world of toxins. Toxins are in the air, water, food, lotions, laundry soap, carpets, air fresheners, candles, household cleaning products, beauty products… They are everywhere and you are exposed on a constant basis. Clean your liver ladies. Not only will it help prevent 41% of cancers, it will help you balance out your other hormones as well. Hormonal imbalance is a major cause of stuck weight. 

The cleanse is simple. You drink 2-3 protein shakes a day. For the first 10 days you are taking liver and colon cleansing supplements and eating a diet of vegetables, fruit, limited grains. For the next 11 days you continue to cleanse your colon but move to rebuilding your liver with nutrients and adding in white meat (chicken, turkey, fish). Please note, the colon cleansing is gentle so you will not be having to run to the bathroom!  All of the supplements and protein powder you need are included in the special price of $200 ($50 savings!). We will be having a weekly zoom meeting for support, ideas, encouragement. You will receive access to a recipe collection that has great shake and meal ideas that all coincide with the cleanse diet guidelines. You will receive daily emails with more recipes, advice, tips and motivation. And as a special bonus you will receive 3 FREE infrared 30-min sauna sessions in order to enhance your detoxification and weight loss! ($90 value!)

If you are ready to: Increase Energy and Stamina, Enhance Immune Function, Detoxify and Brighten the Skin, Improve Digestion, Shed Unwanted Fat, Decrease Inflammation, Enhance Mental Clarity and Move Stuck Weight! SIGN UP TODAY by calling the office to order your cleanse kit. (231) 421-9189