
Imagine sitting peacefully outside. You’re admiring the view, taking some deep breaths and without any effort on your part, your parasympathetic nervous system is hard at work. You are relaxed, heart rate is low, and your breathing is smooth and effortless. This is your parasympathetic nervous system- your brake pedal that allows the body to go into a “rest-and-digest” state.

Your sympathetic nervous system- your gas pedal and the system responsible for shifting the body into a “fight-or-flight” mode does just the opposite. Your heart rate quickens, your blood pressure and breathing rate increase and you are suddenly pumped with adrenaline and stress hormones are released. We rely on these systems for regulation- keeping us calm and being alert when danger is present.

Let me ask you something: What state would you like to be in?  The problem is, so many people are stuck in the sympathetic, fight-or-flight mode- AKA stress overload. This creates a larger problem often leading to chronic illness. Our bodies simply were not made to be stressed ALL the time! Our bodies need time to rest, heal, recover and thrive. This is not possible when we are stuck on the gas pedal and in a fight-or-flight state.

This high-stress state can result in decreased mental state, anxiety, depression and difficulty sleeping. We want you to avoid this at all costs! Chiropractic care works directly with your nervous system to assist the body in moving from a sympathetic state to a parasympathetic state. Chiropractic care combined with our functional medicine approach will help you achieve the healing you deserve and understand the underlying cause.