
Last summer the FDA issued a strong warning regarding the safety of NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs). It’s about time! Here at BBL we’ve known for a long time that these medications wreak havoc on your health; now there’s research that substantiates that as well.

The FDA has been reviewing the safety of NSAIDs since 2005 and as a result come to some alarming conclusions.

Here is an excerpt from the announcement on the FDA website:

“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is strengthening an existing label warning that non-aspirin nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke.”

Here is the link to the full article:  http://www.fda.gov/drugs/drugsafety/ucm451800.htm

The announcement goes on to say that the increased risk of stroke and heart attack can occur even in cases of short term use and in people without risk factors; however, the risk is compounded with long term use and higher dosages.

The FDA also announced that “patients treated with NSAIDs following a first heart attack were more likely to die in the first year after the heart attack compared to patients who were not treated with NSAIDs after their first heart attack.”

Inflammation is a natural part of the healing cycle. In a healthy body, the inflammation occurs, the body heals the problem and the inflammation is gone. In a situation where the inflammation is never controlled it can actually lead to more tissues damage and can perpetuate a cycle of pain that’s very hard to break. NSAIDs reduce the inflammation and can make you feel better short term, but they do not cure the cause.

Although this is concerning information for those of you who are using these medications, you do not have to worry. There are alternatives that work that do not shorten your life! There are many supplements & dietary/lifestyle techniques that can lower your inflammation to get to the source of your pain.

Any recommendations on the correct supplementation for you is dependent on the cause of your pain and your body’s needs. If you are taking one of these medications and would like help finding alternatives, come see me. I can help you make a plan to become NSAID free and to conquer your pain.

Yours in Health,

Dr. Jena Hullman, DC