Home > Hormonal Harmony Workshops
Hormonal Harmony Workshops
Have you been told that your bloodwork is normal yet you still have unexplainable symptoms?
Ever wonder what your bloodwork really means?
Enter your email below to sign up for our FREE Workshop Series!
Joint Pain?
Autoimmune Disease?
Leaky Gut?
Food Sensitivities?
Hair Loss?
Cold hands and feet?
Brain fog?
Stuck Weight?
Get Sick Often?
Join Dr. Jena for her FREE Bloodwork Workshop Series on Zoom. You can join one, two or all three. This trio of workshops will teach you more about the hidden answers in your blood work than anyone has ever told you.
You just haven’t had the right person reading your labs and I’m going to teach YOU how to be that person. I guarantee that your bloodwork holds answers that can help you get from unhealthy to healthy!
Grab your labs (it’s ok if they’re older) and let me teach you how to read them from a functional medicine perspective.
5 Hidden Sources of Internal Stress & Inflammation
Tuesday, August 6th 8 – 9pm
Inside the CBC with differential (the lab test worth the price of gold!)
Adrenal Fatigue?
Wednesday, August 7th 8-9pm
Learn the blood markers that tell how you’re really adapting to stress.
The REAL Thyroid Panel
Thursday, August 8th 8-9pm
Get the real story of what’s happening with your thyroid.