If you are having trouble SLEEPING WELL:
There may be a few issues going on:
Inability to Fall Asleep: there may be too much cortisol (stress hormone) in the body.
Inability to Stay Asleep: there may not be enough serotonin, a blood sugar imbalance, and/or liver issues.
Both sleep disturbances can also be correlated to viruses, heavy metals, poor detox pathways, and/or the inability to process excess hormones!
Inability to fall asleep:
If you find that you get wound up at night and you’re not getting tired, then lowering cortisol at night is key. Changing up your evening routine is also key as well as finding ways to decrease stress. Start with these simple tips:
Lower all the lights in your area to a bare minimum. Blue light from fluorescent bulbs and LED light both block melatonin production. Lowering this type of light exposure will allow your brain to regulate melatonin, the sleep hormone.
Make an herbal tea blend: Use lemon balm, passionflower, chamomile and hops for a deeply relaxing and restorative tea blend. These herbs stimulate serotonin, GABA, and tryptophan in the brain, are naturally anti-viral and restorative to the gut and relax the nervous system. Make a strong brew and serve with some high-quality raw honey, yum! (Or keep it simple and buy some Sleepy Time tea!)
Try to avoid screen time 1-hour prior to sleep or you can install an app that blocks blue light or buy blue light glasses. Blue light revs the brain and can block melatonin production.
Turn your phone to Airplane Mode to drop the amount of EMF’s that are coming in. Think of your phone as a big antenna! 5G is strong and beams in A LOT of EMF’s.