Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten what you went in there for? How often do you find yourself looking for your glasses or your phone? Do you have to read the same passage in a book two or three times before it sticks?

These seemingly innocent “normal” incidents are easy to dismiss — they happen to everyone, right?

But these small brain blips might not be harmless inconveniences.

They could be a sign that your brain is beginning to become inflamed.

Brain inflammation is what many scientists believe to be the potential cause of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Since research indicates the early signs of dementia and Alzheimer’s can manifest a full 9 to 18 years before most people are diagnosed — it seems like we need to start talking about these early warning alarm bells more.

Because I’d argue that these little things, when added up, could be warning signs. Signs that your brain might need more attention than you think…sooner than you realize.

Top 5 subtle ways your brain could be trying to tell you it’s in distress:

1. You can’t find the right word to finish your sentences.
You’re feeling fine, chatting happily with a friend — and then your words start to trail off at the end of your sentence. You’re searching for 10, 15, and sometimes 30 seconds for the word you’re looking for…
It can feel really scary the first few times it happens — and even scarier when you realize it’s happening more often!

This lapse in language skills is one of the first ways your brain communicates with you…telling you that things aren’t as good as they should be. When this starts to happen, it could mean your brain health is headed in the wrong direction.

2. Your mood is as cheerful as Eeyore’s.
One of the common things women nearing menopause complain about is their mood. And who can blame you? You’ve been taking care of everyone and everything for decades — and now you’re tired. Heap on hormonal changes, increased financial responsibilities (hi there, college tuition expenses!), and the necessity to slip into caregiving roles…and sometimes it feels like you’ll never be cheerful again.

Sometimes, changes in mood can indicate more than just frustration. Sometimes, when your mood drops, it’s because there are changes happening to the levels of chemicals in your brain and changes in mood are one of the signs doctors look for when diagnosing dementia.

3. You feel frustrated and overwhelmed.
So, like I just discussed — getting older, having lower levels of vital hormones, and just needing a break from it all can make you feel off when it comes to your mood.

But if you find yourself routinely feeling overwhelmed by decisions or simple tasks, it could be a sign you’re brain’s not feeling 100%.

When you feel easily agitated, especially if it’s accompanied by anger — it could be an early sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

4. You missed your last coffee date appointment.
We’ve all spaced and forgotten to write down an appointment or coffee date with a friend. But if you find yourself regularly forgetting to show up for things, it could be a sign your brain’s overloaded and not feeling its best.In fact, memory loss is one of the first things people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia experience.

5. You have to read the directions over again.
Do you read the instructions for heating up that cauliflower crust pizza, then have to read them again a few times to get the information to “stick?”

Do you find yourself either forgetting what you just read, reading it over again a few times before it hits home, or losing key details of what you’re reading almost immediately after reading it?

What about the generally reduced ability to focus and concentrate on the task at hand? Or plan and execute tasks? These worrying signs can happen in the early stages of brain decline.

It’s Not Too Late To Save Your Brain

Just because you’ve started to see the worrying symptoms of brain decline, it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it!

In fact, I’d argue that NOW is the best time to start cleaning out that deadly plaque and polishing up your beautiful brain until it positively shines — before things get worse.

Because unfortunately, I’ve seen what happens when cognitive decline takes hold of a brain and won’t let go.

You see, my mother has been suffering from dementia for many years. And the steady march of plaque that’s taken over her brain has been heart-wrenching to watch. She asks the same questions every 5 minutes which prevents her from having a close relationship with anyone- me, her grandkids..let alone anyone new.

What’s worse, I saw many of the early signs of synaptic plaque disease in her years prior — I just didn’t know what or how to do anything about it besides tell her to drink more water, eat better and take the supplements I’d give her. (Silly lady never took any of my advice.)

Maybe if I had the tools at my disposal that I do now I could have prevented some of this or at least slowed the progression of this ground hog day she lives in.

I will tell you this — I will never, ever neglect my brain again. And I will never, ever stop educating women about the dangers and signs of cognitive decline.

Show Your Beautiful Brain Some Serious Love

In honor of my mom and women everywhere, I’ve formulated a new supplement to support your brain — and help you feel sharper, calmer, and more focused.

It’ll also help you feel totally confident that you’re doing everything you can to help support your brain as you age.

Total Fem Beautiful Brain was created using time-tested, science-backed, brain-loving ingredients.

It’s literally overflowing with powerful brain boosters.

Learn more about the brand-new Total Fem Beautiful Brain here.