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Why Natural Functional Medicine?

FAQs When Choosing A Functional Medicine Practitioner

What is their philosophy and does it resonate with yours?
Our Functional Medicine philosophy is built on the fundamental truth that the body heals itself. What heals you is you, and your energy (spirit). If this is not happening efficiently, then the body either does not have what it needs to promote the healing process, or something is interfering. Read that again. We seek to support your body’s innate intelligence to heal itself, which is to provide your body the proper nutrients (i.e. vitamins, minerals, herbs) for optimal organ, gland and cellular function along with removing anything that interferes with proper function. (i.e. toxins/endocrine disruptors, stealth pathogens, ego based thought patterns, processing of suppressed emotions).
Do they use objective information in addition to subjective, to determine and track areas of imbalance? Also, are their sources of information diversified?
We use objective findings (i.e. blood work, hair tissue mineral analysis, Insight neurological scans, HSR and additional testing as deemed necessary) and subjective information (i.e. detailed history, questionnaires relative to digestive function, endocrine function, toxicity, regular symptom based questionnaires). Diversifying information in this way provides a broad look at overall function so we can see the different areas that need to be supported and brought back toward balance. In addition, we can cross reference results and changes to be more precise in our corrective, rebuilding and balancing and we can track progress. Please read Practice Policies.
What tools do they use to improve function as the body rebuilds and does it align with their overall philosophy (i.e. sources and quality of nutrition and herbs, dietary recommendations, etc.)?
The tools we use are in alignment with our holistic philosophy, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The opposite philosophy is what the conventional medical model is based on, a Reductionist approach . Many Functional Medicine and alternative healthcare providers still use tools that are in alignment with this Reductionist philosophy. Here is greater detail on what the difference is, Types of Supplements . We use whole food nutrition and the highest quality western herbs in the world (Clinical nutrition provided). The tools a practitioner uses have a significant effect on a patient’s results. The quality of a person’s dietary intake (food, water, etc.) is foundational to one’s health and there is no substitute for it. We provide guidelines for quality based nutrition and considerations when purchasing and consuming food.
Do they offer a structured plan to help you achieve success where your overall health is concerned? Do they include and provide communication while navigating changes patients are experiencing and make adjustments as needed?
We offer a structured corrective care program (What to Expect) designed to maximize results in the allotted time we determine to provide support and rebuilding to areas of dysfunction, and degeneration. During this time a patient can learn how to support and prevent much of the more common illness’ we see in our culture today. They will learn how to support themselves based on their genetic and epigenetic factors. Ongoing communication is encouraged and built in to the program as changes will take place and adjustments may be needed. We are on a journey and navigation is required to reach our destination.
Do they have a truly “wholistic” approach to address the mind and emotion aspect of illness, not just the body?
We not only consider what’s happening in the body, but the mind and emotions as well. If a person consistently has self-deprecating thoughts, focuses mostly on what they fear or what they don’t want, holds on to feelings of resentment and anger -these create resistance (a.k.a. stress) in the body and block the body’s ability to heal itself. We are three dimensional beings and it’s important to be aware that a holistic approach is best defined by the following: the Spirit is the life, the Mind is the builder and the Physical is the result. We address the whole person when working towards balancing the mind, body, & emotions.
What is their experience and success rate working with patients? Do they practice what they teach?
We serve many patients with their own unique health concerns and challenges. Each individual is able to experience improvements with their overall health and gain an understanding of what contributed to their decline in function in the first place. It is our goal to provide patients with knowledge and resources to feel empowered to make informed health decisions and support themselves. Dr. Jena has experienced her own health challenges and her expertise not only comes from reading books and attending lectures, but addressing and overcoming these challenges within herself. She practices what she teaches. As a result of her own experience, she is able to understand and relate with patients which drives her approach of compassion and empathy.

Our Wellness Services

Prenatal Chiropractic Care

Natural Functional Medicine

Family Chiropractic Care

Location: 515 1/2 Union Street Traverse City, MI 49684

Mon: 1 – 6 pm | Tues: 9 am – 1 pm | Weds: 8:30 am – 1 pm, 3 – 6pm | Thurs: 9 am – 1 pm, 3 – 6pm | Fri: Closed | Sat: by appointment

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