
We often think about enhancing immunity as building up our immune system to fight things. Where this is true, it is equally important and true to support our immune system to intelligently NOT to respond to things. How to do both: build and maintain a healthy gut. Ever notice that the intestines look similar to the brain… all squiggly and folded? Well there is a Gut-Brain connection AND 80% of your immune system is in the gut! Optimizing the gut during this season change is vital to remaining resilient.  In your gut you have a ton of different bacteria that NEED to be there… these are your PRO-Biotics or intestinal flora. They are the good guys that have many functions: Their presence keeps the bad bacteria in check and under growth control; Your flora creates a “rainforest” effect on the inside lining of your intestinal wall so that the lining is not “naked” and exposed to the world coming thru it (think of yourself like a donut. Your skin is on the outside exposed to the environment and then there is one long tube from your mouth to your anus which also has direct contact with the outside environment); Your flora optimizes the adsorption of nutrients from the food you eat; AND they work with the immune system as a front line.  Therefore, it is very important to create a healthy gut lining. If you or your child has taken an antibiotic (a bad bacteria and good bacteria killer) than you can guarantee the gut is off. Eating yogurt won’t do it despite what the TV commercials tell you. It is important to replace the good guys, also known as re-colonizing the gut.  Generally, the best way to do this is by taking a pre-biotic (the housing and food for the good guys) and a pro-biotic (the good guys) for a period of time, Dr Jena Hullman, DC usually recommends at least 10 days.  It is very important to get a quality supplement as they are not all created equal!

Another very important fact to consider when optimizing gut function is DIET. We Americans eat too much sugar and processed foods (which break down into sugar in our bodies). SUGAR WEAKENS THE IMMUNE SYSTEM! Every time you have sugar it’s like punching your immune system in the face, knocking it unconscious and waiting ~30 minutes for it to come to again. Beyond diet, I highly recommend enhancing the immune system with a combination of herbs and whole food supplements that specifically target and support immune tissue. Please feel free to talk to Dr Jena Hullman, DC at Big Beautiful Life chiropractic & Wellness about which combo is best for you or your child. Let’s stay healthy this holiday season!